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© 2024 Transport Investigations Limited (TIL). Unit 65 The Oaks, Manston Business Park, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5FD
VAT Reg. 706 0761 54. Reg. 3467582. Registered in England.

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Planning And Methodology

With over ten years’ experience in the urban rail context, Transport Investigations is passionate about data quality. Our surveys are conducted independently of the Operator, particularly important where that Operator does not take the revenue risk.

We have pioneered a unique ticketless travel survey model, which is used by transport clients to measure their revenue at risk from fare evasion, particularly useful for clients who retain revenue risk whilst contracting out service provision. Its effectiveness has been proven over many years and the model has been deployed for government agencies in the UK and Eire.

We utilise staff who are both experienced in customer service and have experience of working in the railway environment.