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© 2024 Transport Investigations Limited (TIL). Unit 65 The Oaks, Manston Business Park, Ramsgate, Kent CT12 5FD
VAT Reg. 706 0761 54. Reg. 3467582. Registered in England.

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How Do I Make A Payment ?

I’ve been sent a payment demand. How do I pay it?

How to make payment of the sum claimed:

For secure card payment phone 01354 656655

Payment may also be made by Personal Cheque, Postal Order or Banker’s Draft made payable as shown on the demand notice and sent by Royal Mail to

Transport Investigations Ltd
Debt Recovery & Prosecutions
1 Station Approach
PE15 8SJ

or using the post-paid envelope provided if supplied.

Cash may only be sent by Special Delivery

If you are still unsure how to pay phone or send a message via the contact form